Monday, May 14, 2012

Di sebalik 2nd 1st

Salam readers, Alhamdullilah final exam was over! just tawakal . I've done my best, even the subjects really kill me...! now, I'm having semester break for a week,then new sem begin what??
It's called UTP life.
anda nak rasa? mai la belajar kt UTP. hehehhehee :D

anyway, this sem ( 2nd 1st ) is quite challenging! why? because I've to managed everything by myself.
kadang-kadang rasa mcm busy-women je. ke sana ke mari bersama document yg nak fax,pos.
penat weyh. makan pun cukup time.

study lagi. subjects yg tough lagi. #eh baru 2nd year. belum final year lagi. Ya Allah, tetapkan lah niat aku di UTP ni...amin.... :)

sesibuk mana pun, I still have time with friends. make new friends, hang out. but, I don't have much time for myself....hmm..apa nak buat. nak pi spa? pernah terpikit jugak. later je la. Sem ni jugak la paling kerap aku sakit. kejap-kejap demam,muntah,gastrik. busy je memanjang..........belum masuk working- life lagi ni.

apa-apa pun hidup mesti diteruskan. niat kena betul dan semuanya kerana Allah Taa'la.
kita merancang, Dia yg menentukannya. kadang-kadang terpikir,kenapa aku ambik engineering?
dah la susah! bukan apa, I'm MRSM student, dapat straight A's pulak. huhuhuhu...
tau je la perception orang lain if I've decided to take culinary at first!
senang, belajar pun relax je..muahahahhahaa!

I'll prove I'll be the best in engineering. kerja kt off shore, pusing machine. hahahhaa..
Ya Allah,beri la tempat kepadaku utk kerja di off shore. Teringin....Aminn..

Okay, that's all. Hope this coming 2nd sem will be more better and awesome than previous.
Have a look at these pics taken on my cousin's convocation day  :D

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