Saturday, September 20, 2014

Road to graduation

Salam & Hi to all,

Less than 5 months to be graduated, hopefully.
Less than 5 months to enjoy the beautiful scenery of UTP.
Less than 5 months to play around with quizzes, assignments, projects, exams.
Less than 5 months to burn the midnight oil.
Less than 5 months to feel the stress and distractions from you.
Less than 5 months to mingle with friends, shouting, quarreling, hang out, gossip with each other.
Less than 5 months to learn with the best lecturers ever, only in UTP.
Less than 5 months to think about my future planning; work / postgraduate studies.

Final semester, may Allah ease everything till Jan15. Hope to graduate with flying colors!

#I'm gonna miss UTP a lot!

Iollz tak sabar nak baling topi gituuu.

Friday, September 12, 2014

I'm 22

Salam & Hi to all.

On 10th September 2014, I'm turning 22! Alhamdulillah and thanks for all the wishes.
I'm going to finish my studies soon, hopefully with flying colors. hahahaa
Then, go for family vacation. InshaAllah.

But, for this birthday, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting till the next day. I do care about it because he/she is my closed friend. Just a small mistake, it ruins everything. I've never seek revenge or keep that thing deep inside my heart. But, this situation really keep headache for me. I don't what to do, as I'm not good in 'pujuk memujuk' ni. I've already seek forgiveness and thanks him/her for everything.

Are u still mad / angry at me? Can we friend like we used to be? Just another 1 semester to go.
Maybe it is about egoistic problem? I realized that maybe I've hurt him/her. But, can you please back to normal? Sampai bila nak simpan.

'Nabi Muhammad pun maafkan umat dia, kita ni just manusia, who are we to judge others.'.

I'll always mention her/his name in my Doa for every prayers, hopefully Allah will open her/his heart to be friend with me again. Just remember one thing, that I'll never forget your kindness to me. 

So, enough with that. What are my wishes for being 22? 
Of course, I want to be a successful lady, graduate from UTP, get a job. I'm waiting to travel around the world. I hope I'll be in good health, dipanjangkan umur untuk menempuhi segala cabaran. One more thing, I hope I'll meet a guy that always appear in my dream. (putih je muka dia, nampak dr tepi & belakang view). Bestnya if I can get pilot like Zil Fezrul. xoxo

Pijaklah di bumi realiti. Bye!

Kau nak try tarian Kadazan ke?

It's good to be at home.